Links - Prof. Dr. Ingo M. Weber
My group at TU Munich
My profile page at TU Munich
TU Munich
Website of our blockchain book
Blockchain data for process mining
Website of blockchain patterns and related decision models
EthViewer - live view on the Ethereum blockchain
My former group at TU Berlin: Software and Business Engineering
TU Berlin
My former team at Data61: Architecture & Analytics Platforms
Data61, CSIRO
School of Computer Science and Engineering
University of New South Wales
Computer Science at UMass Amherst
UMass Amherst
KIT - formerly Univ. Karlsruhe (TH)
Computer Science Department at KIT (Fakultät für Informatik)
Informatics Institute of the Faculty of Economics at KIT (AIFB)
Weber Unternehmensberatungen
Edelweiss Engelberg
StattHotel Schlafen Im Hochzeitshaus - Schotten
ABI 1999 am KMG
Karl - Maybach - Gymnasium Friedrichshafen
The Mellers - SKA Band - Harfenmusik von Birke Falkenroth